August 2020
Often a cliché, it is however true that music is present in every culture, every religion, every period in time, every continent, island, region, valley, jungle, or everywhere human beings can be found. Our long-ago ancestors made music, our most isolated fellow humans make music, and few are the people who never listen or who don't enjoy one musical genre or the other.
There have been times when some, for religious or for oppressive reasons, have tried to stop the music, but they never succeeded. From those enslaved on plantations, those who were imprisoned in camps or those living under regimes that forbade music, music has always sprung up, been a source of hope or joy in times of hardships. In fact, the pains of oppression have often been expressed through song and music.
Whether using one's own voice, objects for percussion, objects resonating with wind or strings, or the more modern use of electronics and anything else the human imagination has conceived to create music, there are millions of genres, tunes, rhythms or styles of music for us to enjoy, from primal chants and drumming to the most sophisticated instrumentations, from authentic traditional music to chart topping hits.
Whereas the airwaves are dominated by the most commercial and popular styles of music, often nowadays having a tendency to sound very much alike, the genre called 'World Music' for lack of a better term, brings to listeners a fascinating diversity of auditory experiences, helps opening to and understanding the diversity of cultures on the planet and simply broadens our horizons, while making us travel with our ears, and our eyes to when the video clips of the tunes showcase landscape and cultures from faraway places.
Dream along and travel along with the regularly updated selection of World Music and World Reggae videos on this page, and explore inside for hundreds more videos, and partake in this universal language that is music...!